Erlebe eine sinnliche Reise, um herauszufinden, welche Düfte dich am meisten ansprechen. Von Einblicken in verschiedene Duftprofile bis hin zu Informationen über trendige Inhaltsstoffe - unsere Parfüm-Editorials sind der Leitfaden für die Suche nach dem perfekten Signature-Duft.
3 Beauty-Hacks für ein opulentes Leben
Die Ästhetik des alten Geldes. Leiser Luxus. Die TikTok-Trends stehen für einen mühelosen, raffinierten Stil, der nie aus der Mode kommt. Mit diesen Beauty-Hacks für extravagante Vibes fühlst du dich opulent.
WEITERLESENYour beginner’s guide to fragrance
Learn your way around scents with this beginner’s guide to fragrance. From types of fragrance to scent families and notes, let’s demystify the world of perfume.
WEITERLESENThe effortlessly sensual appeal of musk perfume notes
A quick look through fragrance notes in some of the most iconic perfumes will see a familiar ingredient pop up time and time again: Musk. Why, you ask? Well, you’re probably no stranger to musk yourself (90s teenager ck One devotee, anyone?) With its effortlessly sensual appeal, musky notes tend to draw people in like magnets – not to mention the endless compliments and requests for what perfume you’re wearing.
WEITERLESENWhat’s your signature scent based on your star sign?
Immerse yourself in the celestial world of scents! Discover fragrances inspired by your star sign, uniquely aligned with your preferences and personality.
WEITERLESENThe best men’s fragrances to suit every style
From lighter Eau de Toilettes to bold Eau de Parfums, find the best fragrance for men with our pick of the best men’s fragrances to suit every style – whatever the occasion.
WEITERLESENPick your potion: The most sensual scents that get you in the mood
Get in the mood for love with these seductive, sensual fragrances. We call them love potions!
WEITERLESENSpritz of joy: Mood-enhancing power of scents
Unlock the power of mood-boosting scents. Discover how fragrances can uplift your emotions and enhance productivity. Learn more today!
WEITERLESEN5 foolproof ways to make your perfume last longer
In a fleeting world defined by ten-second videos, your signature scent deserves to linger. We’ve all experienced the disappointment of a fragrance that fades too quickly. But worry not, as we reveal some practical tips to extend the lifespan of your beloved perfume, making it an integral part of your identity.
WEITERLESEN5 feminine floral notes and their stories
Elegant and vivacious, tender and caring, sensual and passionate – every woman has her own unique bouquet of femininity.
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