Hier findest du ein breites Spektrum an Farben, Techniken und Trends, mit denen du deinen einzigartigen Stil zum Ausdruck bringen kannst. Von alltäglichen Looks bis hin zu gewagten Verwandlungen - unsere Make-up-Editorials werden dich inspirieren, Spaß zu haben und kreativ zu sein.

A dynamic new era of skincare-infused makeup
A dynamic new era of skincare-infused makeup

Experience the difference with the new Giordani Gold makeup. Performing makeup and skin-improving ingredients unite in supercharged formulas to deliver makeup that truly out-performs your expectations.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen BB- und CC-Creme?
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen BB- und CC-Creme?

Du hast wahrscheinlich schon von BB-Cremes und CC-Cremes gehört - diese alphabetischen Formulierungen haben in den letzten Jahren die Make-up-Regale erobert. Aber weißt du auch, was sie bewirken? Denn sie sind nicht ganz dasselbe! Wenn du den Unterschied zwischen diesen Produkten verstehst, kannst du die richtige Creme für deine Haut auswählen. Klären wir es auf.

Top makeup looks to wear this spring
Top makeup looks to wear this spring

5 spring makeup looks you’ll want to wear right now.

7 amazing skincare-infused makeup products you need to try now
7 amazing skincare-infused makeup products you need to try now

Skincare-infused makeup with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and niacinamide for cosmetic performance and skin benefits that will exceed your expectations.

Find your perfect lipstick shade with colour analysis
Find your perfect lipstick shade with colour analysis

Ever feel like you're lost in a sea of lipstick options, unsure which one will truly complement your natural beauty? Well, fear not! We’re here to demystify and guide you through seasonal colour analysis, making the hunt for your perfect lipstick shade a breeze. So go ahead, pucker up, and say goodbye to lipstick guesswork!

This is the order you should be applying your makeup
This is the order you should be applying your makeup

What actually comes first; concealer or foundation? Eye makeup or blusher? The makeup order can be a tricky situation to figure out. Let’s settle this once and for all with a step-by-step guide.

How to get the latte makeup look with Giordani Gold
How to get the latte makeup look with Giordani Gold

Have you fallen in love with TikTok’s latte makeup look and wondering how to make it work year round? Look no further because we’re finally giving this viral trend our stamp of approval! Discover how to create latte makeup using our full Giordani Gold collection, specially adapted to infuse warmth and glow no matter the season.

Unlock confidence: The holistic benefits of makeup
Unlock confidence: The holistic benefits of makeup

Elevate your mood with makeup! Discover how makeup improves wellbeing and boosts self-esteem. Take steps now for a happier life.

How to find the right lipstick texture for you
How to find the right lipstick texture for you

Bold matte colour. Juicy shine. Moisturising lip balms. Whether you’re dialling up a look for a night out or adding a fresh detail to perfect your no-makeup makeup; the options are limitless when it comes to choosing the right lipstick texture. Lucky for you, we break down THE ONE lipstick formulas in a quick guide to help your decision. There’s a lip for every lip in THE ONE.

How to fake a 24h lash lift at home
How to fake a 24h lash lift at home

Enter the game-changing mascara to give you that just-lifted look instantly – so you can easily fake a lash lift every day, minus the hassle or chemicals.

Your guide to finding the best mascara wand for your lashes
Your guide to finding the best mascara wand for your lashes

There’s a sea of mascara wands out there. Want to learn what the different designs do to your lashes? Check out this complete guide!

5 new ways to get creative with your blush
5 new ways to get creative with your blush

Unleash the untapped potential of your blush collection! Don't settle for the same old routine – there's a whole world of possibilities waiting for you. From capturing the sun-kissed essence of summer to exploring daring new techniques, we're here to introduce five new ways to ignite your creativity with blush!


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